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This paper explores the application of a sequence of artificial intelligence (AI) models, utilizing machine learning and natural language processing techniques, to predict the outcomes of legal proceedings from the point of their registration by the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Bahia. Based on the judicial litigation observed at PGEBA, this study details the development of the strategy, from initial design, data collection, and pre-processing through to model constructi...
Currently, there is a feeling of public insecurity in the world, as tranquility and order have been stolen by terrorist attacks, gender violence and other crimes against people and property. In Brazil, the Federal Government, in an attempt to restore the feeling of security, launched a public policy aimed at bringing the police closer to the community, the National Program for Security with Citizenship (PRONASCI), which conditions the transfer of resources to the change in the format of ...
Purchasing and hiring bodies Public contracts are carried out through bidding processes, which aims to fulfill its social functions, respecting principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity, public interest, administrative probity, among others [1]. The control of these bidding processes helps the adequate management of public resources. With the aim of improving analysis regarding the tenders, the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia developed the BI – Licitometer. This tool Am...
This study investigated the effectiveness of several machine learning algorithms in the task of classifying bank transactions, using data received from financial institutions by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Bahia (MPBA). The general objective of the study was to strengthen the MPBA's investigative capacity by automating and improving the process of classifying and analyzing financial transactions. The methodology employed focused on a comparative approach to the performance,...
MPBA users open their IT service calls via the system, whose description corresponds to a freely edited text in language natural. In this process, a type of problem arises which consists of the possibility of undue classification of these calls by human attendants, resulting in the establishment of a non-compliant SLA with demand. This work aims to present a proof of concept of the feasibility of using models of supervised machine learning for the automatic classification of call descriptions...
This paper presents an innovative approach to jobrole compatibility in the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Bahia (MPBA) using Machine Learning techniques, with a focus on the BERT model. The methodology developed explores the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to automate the analysis of compatibility between legal job descriptions and the actual tasks performed by public servants. The results demonstrate the effec tiveness of BERT in text classification and indica...
The modernization of public bidding processes, for through digitalization and automation, is essential to increase efficiency, transparency and compliance with legal standards. THE Law 14,133/2021 introduced regulations that require a more structured and detailed approach to artifact preparation of bidding, such as Preliminary Technical Studies (ETP) and Terms Reference (TR). This project aims to use information updated and accurate in the preparation of these artifacts, applying a Generative...
This article proposes the classification automated reporting area carried out by citizens to the State Public Prosecutor's Office of Bahia (MPBA) through the website “Atendimento ao Citizen”, using learning algorithms machine (machine learning). The process of KDD in the textual bases of complaints aiming to reduce the error rate of the classification carried out by the citizen, currently estimated at 29.43%. With this, it is intended improve efficiency in serving the popula...
This study aimed to develop a Machine Learning model for analysis and classification of the genre of the movement, based on the content of subpoenas received from the Electronic Judicial Process (PJe) system, within the scope of the 1st instance, with the purpose to speed up the work of Public Prosecutors. For that, the effectiveness of different Network architectures was explored Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in classifying the content of judicial subpoenas received by the Public Mi...
This paper presents an innovative approach to job role compatibility in the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Bahia (MPBA) using Machine Lear ning techniques, with a focus on the BERT model. The methodology developed explores the applica tion of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to au tomate the analysis of compatibility between legal job descriptions and the actual tasks performed by public servants. The results demonstrate the effec tiveness of BERT in text classification and i...